Where to start? Well, after two full years of procrastination I have decided to start my very own blog. This will be my first solo venture. I was a frequent contributor over at the Hey Mercedes blog Are You Wearing a Wire for many years, one of the first band weblogs to rear our ugly heads almost 8 years ago, but unfortunately that has tapered off considerably since our break up in 2005. The two re-union shows in 2007 sparked some hits but honestly, I don’t think many people go there anymore. I can't blame them, it's been quite a wasteland with everyone going their separate ways since we decided to call it quits. Sure, we all keep in touch but who has time to post on a blog who's band doesn't even exist anymore?
Some of you might know I also run a small record label called Grand Theft Autumn that releases a record or two every few years. There is a blog on that site too, but it is associated with the label and again, sparsely updated. This is another reason I'm starting fresh. This new undertaking is independent of those outlets, yet connected. My intention is to have this be my new homebase.
This page will be about nothing and everything. Music mostly. Records. Food. Annoyances. Things I hate. Movies. Milwaukee. Weather. Television. Cats.
You get the picture.
So here is Dust & Turpentine, unveiled in all of it’s uneventful glory!!
Insert audio and visual of a single bottlerocket fizzling to a dud.
This is my outlet to vent and ramble. So check back now and then. Hopefully it will encourage me to write more and keep something updated. I make no promises on how often it’ll get maintained, but when there is something on my mind it’ll be online too.
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