I've been listening to a lot of Chavez lately. An underrated band, if there ever was one. Shiner carried the torch afterwards, definitely wearing their influence on sleeve, and I love that band too, but Shiner is a whole post of it's own. Anyways, I listened to Gone Glimmering twice today while doing stuff around the house, stopping occasionally to air guitar. There are a handful of records that get me pumped. This is one of 'em. Amazing.
It's a beautiful summer day in Milwaukee and I've got a lot accomplished so far: I went to the bank this morning, checked my po box and just got back from Cameron and I putting a muffler on Katie's car; fulfilling my manliness for the week. Usually our weekly softball match fulfills that on Thursdays. Yes, I've joined a bar league softball team. Don't get excited, it's co-ed slow pitch. It is super fun though, and I think we are doing Burnhearts justice with a 1-2 record. Well, what did you expect from a bunch of washed-up rockers and has-beens?
I also got some cooking done today. I love to cook, and it's hard to on weekdays when you don't get started until 6 o'clock at night after work, so I try to cook a few times on the weekends when it's less hectic. Now, the last few things on my list this evening are to watch the season finale of Lost I taped last week and to alphabetize about 100 records I've bought and been listening to over the last 6 months that I've neglected filing into the collection. That will happen once this thing wakes up: